nongre | cultural centre for kids in Ghana


bank details

Recipient: Young Earth Builders – Verein für nachhaltiges Bauen mit Lehm

IBAN: AT07 2011 1846 5177 8400


Please indicate "donation NONGRE cultural centre" under purpose of use!

many thanks for your support!

All donations will be used exclusively for the purpose of building the NONGRE cultural centre.

corporate sponsoring 

You have the opportunity to publish the project on your own homepage. If you donate more than 500 Euro, your logo and company name will be presented on our homepage and represented at project-related lectures and talks as a sponsoring partner.
Currently we are busy building up our non-profit association. After setting up the structure, the donations already received will be transferred directly to our association. We will be happy to contact companies that would like to deduct their donations. If you have any questions or are interested in contacting us, please contact us at:

through your donation you will support:

  • the realisation of a new and sustainable cultural centre

  • the promoting of the personal development and educational basis of local children and young people

  • the creation of a safe place of retreat

  • the strengthening intergenerational interactions within the community

  • the preservation and conservation of local, sustainable and traditional building methods

  • the consolidation of an international network

fotos by Tobias Holzer