nongre | cultural centre for kids in Ghana

NONGRE Austria Team

The NONGRE team consists of four diploma students of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology. They have joined forces in the course of their diploma theses to advance the implementation of the cultural center.

Konstantin Valerian Hirsch B.Sc.

is interested in sustainable construction methods using natural raw materials, as well as in (development policy) aid projects in socially weaker countries. He has already demonstrated his affinity and willingness to help in this regard in the past, e.g. during a voluntary service in the Dominican Republic.

Viola Kryza B.Sc.

designs and plans with the focus on holism, placing great emphasis on the needs and interests of each individual. In particular, she strives for the concept of historic preservation with respectful use of sustainable and local materials.

Theresa Laber B.Sc.

focuses on the socio-cultural level of collaborative building. University and professionally, she has already gained experience with the implementation of various projects. In addition to the social context, she has been intensively involved in the sustainable and resource-conserving use of materials for several years.

Milorad Racanovic B.Sc.

is particularly enthusiastic about building in existing structures with natural and sustainable raw materials. In the course of his university education, he has already been able to gain experience with regard to earthen building within the framework of several projects.

Cooperation with TU Vienna

This project is supported by the TU Wien, FoB Baugeschichte und Bauforschung, Ao. Univ Prof. DI Dr. Andrea Rieger-Jandl. It builds on the preliminary work of DI Constanze Walter, who in the course of a research stay on site in her diploma thesis NONGRE - Zwischen zwei Welten - Kulturzentrum für Kinder in Ghana, she developed the design for the cultural center.